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Milk Glass: A Mirror of America

Do you ever what makes milk glass such a desirable item? It seems to be everywhere these days. I see milk glass used as wedding centerpieces, in food magazines holding delicious meals and have even seen it used in some of Anthropologie’s stores.

Maybe it is because it tells the story of America.

Just like many of the world’s finest pieces of art, milk glass can be traced back to the 16th century in Venice, Italy. But there glass was colorful, including browns, yellows, and reds.

It then became popular in France during the 18th century and finally came to United States during the 19th century.

French Milk Glass

In the early part of the century, milk glass was synonymous with the higher class. Its pure and bright white milky texture was a luxury to have your home. Milk glass was manufactured well and became the gem of American glass.

American Milk Glass circa 1850-1900

But then the Great Depression of the 1930s and 1940s hit Americans. The standards for producing milk glass dropped and became a symbol of poverty, and commonly referred to as “depression” glass.

It became very popular in rural areas during this time because it was affordable, yet looked nice in a home.

Depression Era Milk Glass Available At CJB Collectibles

Depression Era Milk Glass Available At CJB Collectibles

Depression Era Milk Glass Available At CJB Collectibles

Today, milk glass is once again a cherished and collected item across the United States. Just like many of us, it did not originate from this country, but eventually called America home. It has had good times and bad times and always manages to rise to the top.

If you would like to start collecting milk glass, look for manufacturers’ markings, stay away from discolored items and look for the piece to have a nice opaque look to it. Fenton, Westmoreland, Anchor Hocking and Fostoria are some companies you may be able to find relatively cheap to start your collection.

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